hey there brilliant being,
I'd like to whole-heartedly, whole-bodily thank you for your support of holding space together so far!
As a new business owner with a pay-what-you-can, community-based healing practice, I'm trying to do whatever I can to get this business growing and thriving!
If you're interested in helping with this a little more than you already are, please read further. If not, I totally get it, I'm glad you're protecting your energy reserves, and you can recycle this now :)
some free ways I could use help:
1- referrals
I deeply depend on referrals--more than any other source of new clients. Please consider sharing your experience with my practice with your community. As a special thank you, when three people come in who were referred by you, you'll get a free 60-min massage! Just tell them to mention your name when they come in (feel free to give them an attached card & little form as a reminder). I'll keep track for you and reach out when you've earned the free session!
I especially welcome referrals to folks who don't easily find affirming healing spaces. holding space together is for all people in all bodies.
Another idea that I'm trying to get out there is this: if you know someone who is already paying for massage elsewhere (or who has a FSA/HSA that includes massage), perhaps they would like to know that there's a place where you can, without paying any more, continue to get great massages for themself (something they're already doing) and at the same time support access to massage for those who can't typically afford it. The $ received from a baseline-cost massage is split up to not only pay me and business costs, but also filters back into accessible pay-what-you-can massages for the local community. (If you've come to me and don't feel it's a great fit, I can also refer you to other massage practitioners who have sliding scale practices!)
While I believe that self care is always community care (because others benefit when you are nourished, and vice versa), supporting a sliding-scale practice also offers the community care of breaking down a HUGE barrier to integrative health care--financial access. I have faith that this will be seen as a big benefit to folks who want their self-care practices to directly impact others' access to healing practices.
2- reviews
Reviews on both Yelp and Genbook (feel free to copy-paste the same review) really help!
3- feedback
Do you have any feedback based on your experience with HST that you think could help me grow, as massage therapist, a healer-activist, or an entrepreneur? Conversations with clients have been invaluable to me so far. I especially welcome constructive criticism!
4- consider reading my blog or attending a workshop
Blog is on my website, and stay tuned there and to your email for workshops I'll be leading coming up! Next up: a quiet, nourishing workshop in which you'll fill out your "Five Wishes" document--an advanced care directive.
in rad and loving community,
sarah / holding space together